New Push To Promote Marriage For Catholic Priests
on: May 19, 2009, 6:57 am
Author: Arbor Books
Industry: Entertainment
the debate over celibacy in the Catholic Church has been ongoing,
two recent efforts have thrust the discussion front and center.
An organization known as Celibacy Is the Issue Ministries (CITI)
is making a renewed effort to prove that married priests can administer
the sacrament under Canon Law #843, which states that “both
pastors of souls and all other members of Christ’s faithful
have a duty to ensure that those who ask for the sacraments are
prepared for their reception.”
It’s a practical look at marriage and the priesthood that
may convince the Church to reconsider its stance on celibacy—a
stance discussed in harrowing detail by a priest whose own battles
with celibacy cost him dearly.
Father Ameen (not his real name), a Catholic priest and author
of Confessions of a Passionate Priest, believes that fewer parishes
would struggle to find priests if the Church were more pragmatic
on the issue of celibacy.
“I had an affair with a married woman,” says Father
Ameen. “The reality of human nature is that we need intimacy.
The Church is failing to address that. ”
In his book, Father Ameen discusses his own punishment at the
hands of his bishop after his affair went public. He says he believes
that allowing married priests to remain as operating clerics would
help to avoid situations like his, which got worse recently when
his bishop found out that he had written a book about it. Father
Ameen was barred from returning to his parish.
“The Church often looks the other way when priests are having
intimate relationships,” says Father Ameen. “They
understand, as well as I and CITI do, that marriage does not distract
from priestly duties.”
Recent statistics may force the Church to admit as much:
• More than 25,000 priests have married in the United States
since the 1970s.
• At present, more than 5,300 parishes are without priests.
• In the last thirty years, seminary enrollment has dropped
from 45,000 to just 3,500.
“I love the Church, but it does have some rules that serve
no one,” says Father Ameen. “I’m proof, as are
all married Eastern Rite priests, that one can live in the secular
world and still serve God.”
Father Ameen remains dedicated to the priesthood despite his contradiction
of specific Church rules. He currently lives in an undisclosed
location in the United States, preferring to remain anonymous
to avoid recrimination.
(Confessions of a Passionate Priest by Father Ameen; ISBN: 0-9816892-0-5;
$14.95; 224 pages; 5½” x 8½”; softcover;
East Mountain Books)
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